PML YA Yakkers!

Patchogue Medford Library Young Adult Department

Monday, October 13, 2008

Teen Read Week - earn library dollars or prizes

It's teen read week. Come on in and visit us for some "Books with Bite" themes activities. Tonight, we are showing Blood and Chocolate. See how the movie is different than the book. Wednesday, bring your favorite book with bite for a book discussion with Melissa. And Friday, Brian is running Monster Trivia.

All week long, you can earn library dollars to pay off your fines, or to purchase earbuds or memory sticks from the main desk. All you need to do is report on a book - any book. Reporting cards are on the YA librarian's desk. Pick one up and complete it. When you're done, give it to the librarian, and tell him/her whether you want a library dollar or a prize. We have a selection of vampire books and some fun "bite-themed" prizes to give away.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

downloadable books, music and movies

did you know that the library offers downloadable books, music and movies? Using the Suffolk Wave service you can download audiobooks, music and videos to your computer or portable device. A second service, Net Library, offers a wide selection of audiobooks to be downloaded. Both services can be accessed via our website - check for the link at right.

My favorite audiobook at the moment? Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher. This book was MADE for audio, and the performances by Debra Wiseman and Joel Johnstone are outstanding. The main character, Clay, receives a box of audiotapes in the mail, sent by a classmate named Hannah who committed suicide. On the tapes, she explains her 13 reasons for killing herself. We have this book available on cd and as a download through Suffolk Wave. Try it!