PML YA Yakkers!

Patchogue Medford Library Young Adult Department

Monday, March 26, 2007

Battle of the Books: Advanced Division

The Fedora Family of Patchogue-Medford was proud to represent the library at the Battle of the Books Advanced Division 2007. Congratulations to team members Cathy, Elizabeth, Deanna, Tiffany, Samantha, Daniel and Ali!!!!! Thank you for all your effort.

Here's the summary of the battle's official results, supplied by the Suffolk Cooperative Library System:

The Battle of the Books, Advanced Division was held Friday March 23 at Sachem Public Library. Six teams participated: Harborfields’ Schnoopers coached by Sarah Schnepp and Brian Cooper, Longwood Public Library’s Wild Things coached by Jan Miller and Maggie Moloney, Mastics-Moriches-Shirley’s Balliiiin coached by Stephanie Kyle, Middle Country’s Logophobics coached by Laura Bocklet and Ryan Gessner, Patchogue’s The Fedora Family coached by Jeri Cohen and Danielle LoDolce, and Sachem’s Great and Terrible Fat Mob coached by Cheryl Conenello.

Special recognition goes to judges Brian Schwartz, Kerrilynn Hurley, Sue Tychnowicz, and Lorraine Squires.

The titles that were battled were: Son of the Mob by Gordon Korman, A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray and Fat Kid Rules the World by K.L. Going. Rules for the Advanced Division Battle were the same as the annual battle.

Results: Harborfields team in first place, Sachem team in second place, and Longwood team in third place.

Best costume award (tie): Patchogue and Longwood teams.

Congratulations to all on a successful event!


At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great work team. excellent coaching.


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